Necessity of research is gaining more importance in existing business world which is the core under the multidisciplinary research programme. I am pleased to know that Department of Management, Institute of Computer Science & Technology, SHEPA, Varanasi is publishing a new journal SHEPA Journal of Academic Research (SJAR) from the current year. On behalf of our editorial team, I would like to offer a word of thanks to our readers, contributors, authors, editors and anonymous reviewers, all of whom have volunteered to contribute to the success of the journal.
We are publishing our journal twice a year with a particular emphasis on quality and better outcomes of research. I am equally elated to inform you all that an enormous amount of work has been done to publish this journal in past days. SJAR is dedicated to the rapid dissemination of high quality research papers.
Finally, we encourage contributions from all concerned communities to ensure continuity. Authors and reviewers are always welcome. We also welcome comments and suggestions that could improve the quality of the journal.
Being Editor-in-Chief of this journal I extend my hearty thanks to all on behalf of my Editorial Team for being with us. SJAR team also extends thanks to Authors who have contributed their articles and research papers for publication. At the same time our special thanks are due to the blessings and cooperation extended from time to time by the Custodians, Experts and Members of Advisory Board. We hope you will find SJAR more informative in the future endeavor.

Enjoy reading………

Prof. (Dr) Prithvish Nag
SHEPA Journal of Academic Research


Indeed by writing a research paper we erudite, we explore, we trigger, we enchant the world with “what we know”?

Success in any endeavour is highly dependent upon providing for and managing the independence of various business segments and functions. This calls for focus on integrative research in various aspect of business and how they can influence or be influenced by the environment they operate in.

We are extremely pleased to put forth Volume 1, Number 1, Issue of the SJAR, where we have included only ten papers dealing with various facets of Business Management and Computer Science.  Today worldwide spectrum has changed the face of practicing business world to meet the challenges of economy that focused business transformation, process streamlining, cost cutting, technological innovation and adaptability.

Really it gives me immense pleasure to inform that readers will find every new issue more valuable than previous one. Here we endeavour to publish quality and relevant research in our journal with the hope that we would be able to influence or stimulate the business practitioners in that area where they are searching for answers and also stimulate our academicians and researchers to undertake more contemporary and challenging research interest.

Promise to continue the voyage of knowledge in the form of SJAR will grow with your love through contribution in form of reading this journal and sharing your views via research papers and articles.

Enjoy reading………


Prof. (Dr) Anupam Shukla
SHEPA  Journal of Academic Research